A scrapbook of RZLT’s BlockSplit3 experience
Hello there everyone from the heart of the Adriatic, AKA – BlockSplit3! Remember our previous post about the conferences we will be attending? Well, this conference was a little more special because of two reasons:
- We were one of the sponsors, and…
- It was BANANAS! Of course we didn’t have any other choice but to share our BlockSplit journey with our dear readers 🤷♀️
BlockSplit3 was a conference for blockchain business and development — more realistically, it was a fun-filled, solar-fueled couple of days networking, partyingand enjoying the sun in Split. Yeah, we know, don’t miss the next one 😉 Anyway, the RZLT team was there as speakers and a sponsor.
Here are RZLT’s talented CMO Anita Erker and killer NFT / Metaverse lead Josip Vlah, getting excited for their talks and Split fun.

Anita, the marketing and web3 expert she is, enlightened us about Marketing 3.0 — explaining the difference of web3 marketing from traditional marketing.
She was the celebrity of the panel and became the star of people’s Instagram stories!

Josip, on the other hand, talked about utilization of NFT / Metaverse with brands and corporations. He wasn’t any less of a celebrity than Anita. At the end of the day, we were left with useful insights about the industry and a joyful time.
“BlockSplit 3 was time well-spent. The panels were amazing and the organization of the event was right on the point. The audience was very vibrant and really interested in the topics we discussed. Also, the Q&A sessions were intense. Overall, I would go again, 10/10!” — Josip Vlah, NFT lead

Other than talking in panels, our thinkfluencers discovered the city, maybe got some sunburn but still protected their pride and enjoyed the Adriatic vibes!
We wonder with which crazy ideas they will come back and push the RZLT team towards 🤷♀️
Wait, we forgot to introduce you to the (part of) RZLT team! They enjoyed their time and met with other industry professionals at the Alice in Blockchains launch party.

Here they are, and they all are brilliant people (really, hardworking and clever) — keep that in my mind for what you will see next.
We worked so hard, but party even harder. Meet Ranko! From all the working, networking and running around, (not from drinking of course!) he couldn’t take it anymore apparently 🙈

No worries, he’s up and running again, getting ready for his next web3 conference. The legend says if you go to a web3 conference and be really quiet, and have some rakia with you, Ranko will find you.
With #RZLT, you are never on vacation, neither working. Fun and work come together for us. So, we had to have some C level midnight strategies as well.

After all this fun, we were shared on social media too 😎
“I’m glad that the talk started an amazing discussion and brought 15 difficult but important questions. The combination of a great vibe, enthusiasm and web3 knowledge is def #blocksplit ethos!” — Anita Erker, CMO
Overall, BlockSplit 3 was on fire! 🔥🔥
At the very moment this writer is putting these words, the RZLT team is on the boat trip in Split, still partying with the web3 bros. If you go to one of the conferences we join, bring some rakia with you, and who knows? Maybe Ranko will find you and you’ll meet the RZLT team.

What can we say… RZLT knows how to work and how to party. Did we mention that we are hiring? If you’d like to be in this crazy environment, check rzlt.io
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